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Saab Global

CBRN Recce Vehicle

Saab offers a complete portfolio of various field proven CBRN solutions. With our Recce vehicle, configured with the appropriate equipment, you will stay mobile, modular and flexible at all times.
CBRN  Vehicle
CBRN  Vehicle

Key features

Field analysis

CBRNe reconnaissance made easy

Sadly enough, 我们今天生活的现代社会一直受到接触危险氯苯醚物质的威胁. 这些物质可以来自我们社会中常见的各种来源, such as accidents in a factory causing a fire with ammonia emissions, toxic gases from a truck accident, nuclear power plants etc.

Terrorism is another source and something we do not like to think about, but it's becoming more and more evident in our daily lives. Of course, it's difficult to protect yourself against everything, but with a well-thought-out strategy and the use of preventive monitoring, a large part of the risk can actually be mitigated and kept under control. 做好准备真的意味着意外事件和灾难之间的区别.

CBRN Recce vehicle infographic
Overview of the CRVK components.

Be prepared

有许多方法可以为CBRNe威胁做准备,其中一种有效的方法是使用Recce车辆(侦察)。. 配备适当的设备,您将始终保持移动,模块化和灵活. The vehicles can be deployed in risk areas on a permanent basis, and/or be used for temporary reconnaissance in temporary suspected areas.

有了合适的设备在你的车,你将有一个广泛的能力来安全监控, identify, report, sample, analyse, 甚至计算并提出适当的行动来减轻和避免威胁.

CBRN sampling and transport packaging
Can be mounted on any standard vehicle.

Cost efficient for standard vehicles

CRVK是一种经济有效的解决方案,用于修改标准车辆以支持CBRNe侦察. 该套件由三个主要部分组成,这些部分经过调整以简化安装. By adapting special brackets to existing mounting points, 我们已经把重新设计标准车辆的需要减少到最低限度.

With CRVK, 它可以创建一个自动到达后的能力,远程分组的专家可以控制传感器,以支持前线CBRNe团队.

物质的鉴定可以达到假定和现场确认水平. 这创造了一种先进的、高度机动的CBRNe车辆,可以支持以下任务:

  • Reconnaissance
  • Survey
  • Surveillance
  • Monitoring
CBRN Recce concept vehicles 3D

Remote chemical surveillance

All sensors, as well as our proprietary vehicle electronic infrastructure, 选择和开发是为了在具有挑战性的条件下实现最高效率和稳健性. With our solution, 传感器不受环境和电磁干扰.

CBRNe通信和信息系统(CIS)为用户提供实时态势感知, supports decision makers with sensor data, show risk and warning areas, and supports planning and crisis management.

CIS软件在条件组中结合了不同的测量技术, thus reducing false alarm rate significantly. 它为CBRNe专家和决策者提供快速准确决策的支持, which is a key factor in limiting the effects of CBRNe threats.

A modular approach means you can always get a tailored solution, without compromises, for a wide range of vehicles at a very attractive cost.

  • Rugged vehicle electronic infrastructure
  • CBRNe Information System software
  • Sensor suite for C/TIC, B and RN
CBRN  Vehicle

Stay undetected with a mobile camouflage system

您的CBRNe Recce车辆还可以配备十大正规博彩网站评级梭鱼世界领先的移动伪装系统(MCS)。. 该系统是模块化的,在以下领域可将平均探测距离缩短50- 100%:

  • visual and near-infrared
  • thermal infrared
  • radar

The HeaT Reduction systems also lower the internal temperature of vehicles, thereby extending the endurance of both personnel and electronic equipment.

CBRN Control room

Did you know...

  • 让你的车辆装备十大正规博彩网站评级梭鱼的移动伪装系统增加生存能力3-10倍.
  • CBRNe代表化学、生物、放射、核和爆炸物.
times increased survivability

Contact us

Can't find the answer to your questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.


NIls-Erik Lindblom
Head of Marketing & Sales


Leaflet in pdf for view or download:
8 September 2020
8 September 2020

CBRN Recce Vehicle

Reconnaissance made easy

Download PDF
24 September 2020

CBRNe Transport Packaging

Safe and certified transportation of CBRNe samples

Download PDF
8 September 2020
8 September 2020

CBRN/TIM Sampling Equipment

Including equipment for evidence marking

Download PDF

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